A document from a real estate transaction in 1715 showed that two conditions were placed on the buyer of house, hat maker Löb the son of Abraham: he could not process skins on that property nor use the property for any other type of hat ...
http://www.wirtschaftspressedienst.com Diesmal aus Müllers Büro: o bDonau/b-Oder-Elbe-Kanal erlebt ei. ... ?Im Rahmen der Medizintechnik-Enquete wollen wir insbesondere über das geplante Krebsforschungs- und Therapiezentrum MedAustron in Wiener bNeustadt/b diskutieren?, kündigt Penz an. Darüber hinaus wird der NÖ Landtag auch seine Auslandsaktivitäten forcieren. ?Im Herbst kommt eine Delegation des ungarischen Komitats Veszprem nach St. Pölten auf Besuch. ...
Today, inland waterway shipping traffic in Austria is still handled by the ?bDonau/b Dampf-Schiff Gesellschaft? (DDSG), which is even older than the Austrian Lloyd, having been founded on March 13, 1829. ?DDSG? means ?Danube Steamship Company? in English. b....../b He came from an old Franconian family in Northern Bavaria, but was himself born on his family's bestate/b in Hessen-Nassau. He attended the university in Göttingen, and then entered the Prussian civil service. ...