Plan miasta Neustadt an der Donau

Neustadt an der Donau - Najnowsze wiadomości:

Bild der Woche ? Der Meister

A document from a real estate transaction in 1715 showed that two conditions were placed on the buyer of house, hat maker Löb the son of Abraham: he could not process skins on that property nor use the property for any other type of hat ...
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NÖ Wirtschaftspressedienst Nr. 1.030 vom 31.7.2009 b.../b Diesmal aus Müllers Büro: o bDonau/b-Oder-Elbe-Kanal erlebt ei. ... ?Im Rahmen der Medizintechnik-Enquete wollen wir insbesondere über das geplante Krebsforschungs- und Therapiezentrum MedAustron in Wiener bNeustadt/b diskutieren?, kündigt Penz an. Darüber hinaus wird der NÖ Landtag auch seine Auslandsaktivitäten forcieren. ?Im Herbst kommt eine Delegation des ungarischen Komitats Veszprem nach St. Pölten auf Besuch. ...
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Named Vessels of the German and the Austro-Hungarian Navies b.../b

Today, inland waterway shipping traffic in Austria is still handled by the ?bDonau/b Dampf-Schiff Gesellschaft? (DDSG), which is even older than the Austrian Lloyd, having been founded on March 13, 1829. ?DDSG? means ?Danube Steamship Company? in English. b....../b He came from an old Franconian family in Northern Bavaria, but was himself born on his family's bestate/b in Hessen-Nassau. He attended the university in Göttingen, and then entered the Prussian civil service. ...
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